Tag: money


Building Connections – Dr. Robert Rohm

SUMMARY: Cody Cottle and Chris Borghese shared their experiences in entrepreneurship and leadership, emphasizing the importance of personal development, understanding personality types, and balancing tasks and relationships. Dr. Rohm and

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Raise Your Faith – Pastor John Fanning

https://youtu.be/80SvPMB2wjM SUMMARY: The conversation revolved around personal experiences and insights on life’s realities, including new baby updates, health issues, and entrepreneurship challenges. Speakers emphasized the importance of recognizing that even

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Mindset & Sharing The Gospel – Joel Brown

https://youtu.be/_O3lYwkBQrs SUMMARY: Nicholas Bayerle, Joel Brown, and Justin Knoop shared their experiences and insights on maintaining a childlike faith in business success, trusting in God, and balancing ministry and business.

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Key Scaling Strategies – Brandon Poulin

https://youtu.be/u2jku7R-fos SUMMARY:   Nicholas Bayerle and Brandon shared their experiences on building a successful business while maintaining a strong sense of purpose and respect for oneself and others. Brandon emphasized

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